i have used dvd decrypter and dvd shrink to rip the film but when i came to burn the file i hade the following DEVICEIO CONTROL (FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME) FAILED DEVICE [1:0:0]PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-111D 1.23 (E(ATA) UNABLE TO LOCK VOLUME FOR EXCLUSICE ACCESS REASON : ACCESS IS DENIED ANY IDEA WHAT'S HAPPENED ? THE DISC ARE Taiyo Yuden 16x speed DVD-R White Full-Face Printable
something wrong with your drive? try to reboot .... why would your drive lock up? And what movie are you trying to copy? DVDDecrypter and Shrink haven't been updated in ages, now. You might need other software to take the encryptions out so these programs will work. I suggest you download AnyDVD & CloneDVD ...... they give you a 21 day trial, full access...... and see if that helps you: www.slysoft.com
you're media is top notch... you shouldn't have a problem using AnyDVD and CloneDVD... here is a guide: http://home.comcast.net/~bbmayo/BACKUP WITH CLONEDVD&ANYDVD.pdf the movie is not so new and isn't really that old ...... try these programs together and let me know how it goes! Most members here love these programs..... a must for DVD movie burners!