error shows up and programs close

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by maxtech07, Aug 24, 2009.

  1. maxtech07

    maxtech07 Member

    Apr 14, 2007
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    I have had some problems with my PC lately. The most recent work on it has been updating the display and sound drivers.
    The error message that shows up is "sorry for the inconvinience. we need to close..."
    one. This is how it happens: I open IE 8 and the error shows up and after a sec IE 8 closes.
    this happens with Windows media player too. Also some programs don't work: flv player, realplayer (all these work in safe mode including IE 8 and WMP).
    Another thing is that I can'y update my antivirus program (I tried 3 of them so far) and
    the computer is free of virus/spyware.

    I didn't post any computer specifics or HijackThis log because I need to know if you are
    intereseted in helping me first.
  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    not being able to update antivirus is a sure sign of malware running.

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