I just recently purchased a copy of "Ultraman" and like all dvds that I purchase I decided to make a backup copy. I was able to backup discs #2 and #3 with no problem; however,with disc #1 I received errors 14% of the way through trying to burn the disc- how can a brand new dvd have errors? There were no fingerprints or visible scrathes that I could see. Is there a tool that I can use that will allow me to backup this disc? I currently use Clonedvd2 with Anydvd in the background. I keep both apps updated with all new software releases. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!!!!!!!!
first off Ultraman isn't that new that it has encryptions that AnyDVD can't handle. I suspect if you did the other disks there is something wrong with the #1 disk that causes this problem..... like a bad press, which happens every now and then. Try this free program: RipIt4Me, here is the guide.... download the programs and follow the guide, you can even use CloneDVD when you finish ripping to hard drive! Once it's on the hard drive.... just use CloneDVD.... should work that way. Use the Wizard method... not the one click which will allow you to stop and then use CloneDVD! if you can't copy this movie to the hard drive then it's a bad press and try to get a new copy of the movie where you bought it!
Thanks for your response Ihoe but the link for the Ripit4me guide did not work. Can you please post it again? I'll search this site to see if I can locate it. Thanks!!!!! P.S. Yes, I agree that the problem has nothing to do with encryption but maybe it's a bad press of a dvd like you indicated.
Thanks again for the response, Ihoe!!!! Let's assume that the disc that I can't currently copy is the resulty of a bad press from the manufacturer- will Ripit4me allow me to still extact it to my hard drive? The error that I get indicates that the disc has "bad sectors". Will I need to take my purchase back to the store to get another copy? Thanks!!!!!
Are you indicating that 'YES' Ripit4me will allow me to extract from the disc even with bad sectors or are you indicating that 'YES' I will need to take my purchase back to the store for an exchange? Sorry about the confusion on my part. Thanks for your assistance!!!!!!!!