You need to say what country your in,as its up to your local provider and nothing to do with what box you have.
Yeah but we still have 30 odd games on setanta Ireland,which you will not get on any cable box in the uk.
had a brainwave and texted an old friend who actually works in chorus a upc company. she said that talks were ongoing about espn being apart of there service and that they should know soon. as soon as she knows she'll let me know. good point about us having the 33 games but i always want more me.i'd hate to be missing out on live footie
Hi I have a starview box, live in belfast and im with virgin. Does anyone have the Freq for ESPN. At the moment i can only pick up ESPN America?
Im also an Ireland viewer under Chorus. But I have a question regarding ESPN. The UFC 101 event is on 08/07/09 Saturday night and advertised as ESPN on the website - ,but if the channel is not available in IE, how can we watch it?
Yeh I had a feeling I would have to watch it online. Its not the same though as watching in good quality on the big screen. Do you or anyone else know if ESPN will be available anytime soon on Ch0rus or NThell