I was just talking to a representative from N*L, and they told me they hope to have ESPN up and running for the weekend, but monday at the latest....
Yeh ESPN comin through now on my SV4. ESPN has replaced the old Setanta Golf. (407) ESPN Classic has replaced Setanta 2. (409) ESPN America is still the same I think (410) I noticed Eurosport 2 aswell. That's new yeh??
its punishment for us masses of muppets .. blame 6,800 twats for building a temporary shrine in dunmanway to host a well known football kit. listen i'll gladly forfeit lfctv for ESPN.. n ID.
Isn't that now the History Channel??!! On another note all the ESPN channes are now broadcasting on upisee.
In the bin where it belongs. Deemed to be unsuitable for childrens viewing. Counselling services were overrun with calls from distraught parents who can't cope with kid's uncontrollable weeping every time they viewed this chl.,were reminded of fact their club had again failed to come anywhere close to prowess of mighty MAN.UTD. + CELTIC. Current solutions being considered include; I.S.P.C.C. to approach both CELTIC + MAN.UTD. to offer all young LOSERPOOL sufferers an amnesty and forgive their naieveity in following a LOSING club, and allow them to join their supporters clubs, thereby giving them a positive approach to life. Then the kids could be taken off Anti-Depressants.
look at the post above you, if not just scan your box again as all boxs have the auto sort feature on them
Tut, tut circus, where's your manners.I can't find that word in the dictionary, but I will assume it's not an affectionate term.It sounds like a real british slang word. It's not really on for a NUUBIE to be name calling fellow members on this forum. You made a very informative post earlier in this thread, which I duly praised you for. I didn't see any "TWAT"???? responce to that post. I then made an informative post of my own,which I fully researched + your responce was,to say the least disappointing. You might be better served to research the facts + come on here + dispute any points made which you deem to be incorrect. I would appeal to moderator to be lenient with you, and have a word in your ear as to your future conduct,rather than hit you with an infraction. I hope he/she , in his wisdom, takes into account that anyone who willcontinue to support a club with no hope of any honours again this coming season, could not have I.Q.levels to warrant a call from MENSA. So lets appeal for leniency. P.S. A public apology will not be necessary Here's to looking down at you's
Does every imbecile in Britain follow LOSERPOOL . They respond to a post on here which they deem to be knocking their "beloved" club. They then proceed to re-print my slander , thereby knocking their own club. What idiots.
Twat X2 (Look that one up)[/quote][/quote] Does every imbecile in Britain follow LOSERPOOL . They respond to a post on here which they deem to be knocking their "beloved" club. They then proceed to re-print my slander , thereby knocking their own club. What idiots.[/quote] Eamo, are´nt there any football forums where you could go to talk football? You´re beginning to bore......
[/quote] Does every imbecile in Britain follow LOSERPOOL . They respond to a post on here which they deem to be knocking their "beloved" club. They then proceed to re-print my slander , thereby knocking their own club. What idiots.[/quote] Eamo, are´nt there any football forums where you could go to talk football? You´re beginning to bore......[/quote] Sorry, Skel, You are perfectly right. I will try to keep future posts within parameters of revelant thread. Have a good day.