how ya doin lads just got my box wiped,no channels at all now. Managed to get all the eqipment for uploading sofeware but cant figure out why my box wont recieve updates.can anybody help
hello mate are you sure its a EUROVOX MAX V BLACK?? theres 2 others available, RED and BLUE. if you check my signature. Go into the Black section and click the picture and see if yours looks like that.. if it doesnt.. go into the Blue section and check if it looks like that.. if it does look like the blue one, you will have to do a check, because the blue and red look identical. the check is in the /Sharing/ sharing, it tells you how to check for which software you need. I dont have the red software on my sharing as i havnt tried it on a red box yet, and i wouldnt like to give someone the wrong files! good luck! ps. you need a null modem cable.
Thanks just checked its a 2008 black max V and i got a null modem cable but my computer does'nt seem to recognise it because it has no signal with it. an other downloads i can try and is there a cert procedure to doing it. Thanks
to be cmopletly onest with you, ive never had any trouble with it.. but if you would like to give the one in my signature a go.. maybe that would work for you?? hope it does. Mike.