EUROVOX 2008 V... has no power

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by chalkyuk, Nov 2, 2007.

  1. chalkyuk

    chalkyuk Guest

    Hi I wonder if you could help me out. I bought a EUROVOX 2008 MAX V this week from fleabay.

    To day it went off I seem to have no power going to it. No lights are on the display panel.

    I phoned the bloke I bought it off to inform him of my predicament. The replied I received. “I have to send it off to Euro-vox for them to change it”. Does this sound right to you? Or is it up to the guy who sold me it to sort the problem out.

    On his returns policy on fleabay it states.

    Item must be returned within:
    7 Days of receipt
    Return policy details:
    For returns please return everything unused for a full refund excluding delivery charges…..

    It’s only been 2 days since I received the box through the post

    Also I have looked for the address of Eurovox but can’t seem to find it any one have an address and number for them…
  2. chalkyuk

    chalkyuk Guest

    After a little reading Am I right ion thinking a jtag may fix my problem?
  3. williemcf

    williemcf Member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    i would contact e-bay or paypal and get my money back as your goods where faulty ( was he supposed to flash the box for you)
  4. chalkyuk

    chalkyuk Guest

    I didn’t ask him. I just purchased one and it came…
  5. karljd

    karljd Regular member

    May 30, 2007
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    have you double checked all the leads and cables,if so and its still not working do as williemcf says and let the seller sort it out
  6. chalkyuk

    chalkyuk Guest

    All the leads are in correctly for sure. it was on one moment then went off and now has no power going to it what’s so ever.

    The guy is putting all the responsibility on my shoulders …I must send it. It’s my responsibility i'm being told to send it back to the manufactures... I have no knowledge when it comes to consumer advice. Is it my responsibly or is it up to the guy I bought it from to do this stuff…if I were to contact paypal would they reimburse me my money back. Like I say I’ve never had to go through this type of thing before
  7. sc0user

    sc0user Senior member

    May 31, 2007
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    It is the sellers responsibilty and you are entitled to a repair,refund or replacement. It can be fixed with a jtag but the seller is under entitlement to sort it for you.
  8. chalkyuk

    chalkyuk Guest

    Cheers dude... just will cost another £30 in postage to there and then back to me on top of what I paid already... The cost just keeps rising

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