hi, i just downloaded the new nag 2 fix firmware for the eurovox ex1000sl onto the box itself, i done the factory reset and scanned in all my channels, but when i go onto skysports it comes up 'scrambled channel' is anyone else having this problem or does anyone know how to fix it? cheers
this happened to me.I did the factory reset and all channels came in but scrambled. what you need to do is go into language settings press ok ,then press 1968 once. the screen changes slightly go to emu and enable. then press save ans exit .the channels the work.
how good is the eurovox for nthell can it be scrammbled like the starview r are they looking at ways to scrammble it as well can buy 1 for 150 but is it worth getting 1 at this stage
for €150???? where are you buying it? the starview 4, the kryptview and the eurovox ex1000sl are all in around €100 delivered...
hi all, just flashed my slimline, now the box is dead, any suggestions as to what could have happened thank you
I flashed a eurovox 1000 last week checked to see if it was a clone by checking if it had a heatsync covered cpu had not got one so took it to be a valid box but once i flashed it it worked once then died no power no nothing.
hi tryabit, it will not even power up when plugged in. should i try the old firmware or is the box cooked thank you
if there is no life in your box you wont be able to put anything on it! sorry check the fuse, but as trybit said it could have been a clone and the box could'nt take the firmware.
no prob hooter thank u. its just strange how it was working fine until i flashed it, working fine as in the lights came on when powered.
im not sure but a j.tag may help bring your box back to life as ive never put a j.tag on a box i cant tell or show you how its done but im sure there is a few people here that have experience in this and can tell you how to put 1 on.
also if your box is a clone it would not be worth your while getting a j.tag, as the same thing might happen again!