eurovox ex1000sl freezing, jumping picture and crackling

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by dv3804, Sep 9, 2009.

  1. dv3804

    dv3804 Member

    Sep 9, 2009
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    ex1000sl with up to date firmware i got problem with freezing, jumping picture and crackling can anybody help
  2. hooter007

    hooter007 Regular member

    Dec 20, 2008
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    it could be your cable connection or a low power supply going into the box, are you using splittere to feed other tv's in other rooms! cos that can lower the signal going into your box,
    even if you are not using splitters on the inside of your house once you have ports in other rooms for tv connection your cable provider would have used splittere on the outside to feed each port in each room if the problem lies there then id recommend a booster box
    but dont go out and buy a booster box unless that is where the problem lies,
    try a mates box in your house, and try your box in your mates house and see if there is any difference.;
  3. jj1502

    jj1502 Member

    Nov 28, 2006
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    Hi hooter007,
    i have the same problem as dv3804 and there are no splitters installed.
    Could there be a problem with the firmware??

  4. hooter007

    hooter007 Regular member

    Dec 20, 2008
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    i really doubt it would be the firmware, but check as i said above also try your box in a mates house and vice versa, also check in the box settings, and in one of the settings you can change your tv type to 'pal or ntsc' then try it in one of these orders and one of them should make some difference (pal+cvbs) or try (pal+rgb) then try (ntsc+cvbs) or try (ntsc+rgb)also check your signal strength and quality both should be pretty high if 1 of them is low then its your cable connection or connectors.
  5. sterobbo

    sterobbo Member

    Jan 18, 2007
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    Hi my mate's got the same probs, and my starview's acting up also. I tried a freeview and the same so I think that it's down to poor signat strenth due to digital change over
  6. hooter007

    hooter007 Regular member

    Dec 20, 2008
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    its possible, but digital is ment to give better picture & quality
    maybe if you can get a loan of a plug in booster box (electrecal) it will improve your signal and if that is where tha problem lies then you can go out and buy 1
    have you pressed the info button to see what signal and quality level you are getting
    or what is your normal tv like if you take the cable out of your box and put it in your tv only?
    also sterobbo if you have more than 1 tv port in your house it lowers your signal strength for each room even if you dont use splitters no doubt your provider has used them on the outside or inside when he installed it in each room
    that can be a problem for low reception or poor quality,
    as i had to get a booster box myself even though i only have cable in 3 rooms,
    ps:dont go out and buy a booster box straight away make sure you need one first by cheching your signal strength on your box
    hope you get it sorted
    reply back if i can help in anyway

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