Eurovox EX1000sl Help - All Channels found but selected channels heavily lag

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by friggertv, Sep 12, 2009.

  1. friggertv

    friggertv Member

    Sep 12, 2009
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    Hi everyone,

    First post, so go easy! I have an Eurovox Ex1000sl; and it has been working fine for around two months, but recently the following channels have started to heavily lag and stutter, effectivly making the channels unwatchable.

    Sky Sports 1 & 2 & 3

    I am in the camp of only having the box to watch these channels (& ESPN which is working thankfully!) - so this is a big problem for us.

    I haven't flashed the box yet, but have found the post that explains how to do it (i'm waiting for the cable to arrive). The reason I am posting is that others who seem to need to flash their box have the scrambled channel response, wheras I can still see the channel, so it's like more of a tuning issue?

    Is there a way to check if the flash is actually required? Is there a way to force it to check for certain frequencies?

    I also wondered if this was a deliberate ploy from sky to deter people capturing their product?

    Sorry for the ramble, but any help is much appriciated!

  2. e45

    e45 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    Make sure the video output is either cvbs or rgb also that this is on pal as well in the settings
  3. HiTeck

    HiTeck Regular member

    Apr 12, 2008
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    Press Menu, along to config, pull down and press OK on system info and post back whats in there.

    Also have you tried a factory default then a powerscan ?
  4. friggertv

    friggertv Member

    Sep 12, 2009
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    Hi all, firstly want to say a big thanks to you both for taking time out to answer my noob questions.

    I reflashed the box, tried loading peoples cdf files, different cables, everything. I was just about to get on the phone to Virgin when I thought I'd try one more thing - removing the splitter and having the Eurovox plug in directly from the in line.

    Remarkably this made the picture work, with a quality of about 100x what it was - I also see a huge increase in performance when the broadband is connected directly - circumventing the splitter box.

    So I would add this to a step for anyone who is experiencing signal difficulties in the future! It should be the first recommendation as it's so easy to do and can yield instant results.

    I do have one other question though - and that is how to fix the damn thing now, I think I need a new splitter, but don't know where to get one from, whether it's ok to ask VM without getting into trouble etc? Here is a screenshot of the current set up - maybe if someone can identify the part names I could just get them from ebay or a maplin type store?

  5. aerial42

    aerial42 Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    try takin the attenuators off it may be they steppin the signal down too much put the wire straight on the splitter its what your cablr operator would do anyway.j.

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