Hi,i was wondering if anyone has the same problems as me?. I recently purchased a Eurovox ex1000sl, i did a first scan and nothing was found,i then did a deep scan, i got lots of channels inputted, infact 215,but only 40 work and most are repeated.The major problem i have is when i select a channel i want it tries to find it,then a message comes up SCRAMBLED CHANNEL..........Please could anyone help,or its £85.00 down the toilet. Many thanks.Ian.
did you flash your box when you got it, do a factory reset then scan in your channels from your provider when all thats done press menu language settings>>1968 another thing called emulator will appear down the bottom of the screen make sure it is on/enabled and press the red button to save, if you need any more help, reply back and myself or somebody will try and sort any other problems out for you.
Hai hooter, Iam based in dublin ireland and i have the same eurovox ex1000sl and it was working fine with chor.s n.l ,it started missing channels few months back and now it shows the message of --scrambled channel-- and --pls wait code being updated.....do u have any solution for this..pls help..
ifyou are in dublin i take it you are on chorus cable and you are missing the sports & movies that is because they are changing there encryption to nag.3 so there is nothing that can be done at the moment but you should have around 100 other channels if you are having problems with any of them i could help you out there but regards the movies,sports nothing can be done untill a fix or update comes out sorry mate
Hi i am in the uk eurovox 1000sl channels went off last night now say they are scambled any ideas thanks
yes hooter thanks,iam on cho@us n@l and iam not getting even the discovery ,animal planet and other channels as well.iam only getting 2-3 channels now.But i can c which program is running through the channel info.the channel info is coming up in every channel but no picture and sound,only the information-scrambled channel, and --code being updated please wait. pls give me some tips. thanks hooter.
if you go in to menu language settings and press 1968 another thing will appear called emulator make sure its enabled and press the red button to save it see if that is the problem if not get back to me both jk111uk & plumbob12 jk111uk also try what i wrote above and make sure you have the latest firmware on your box
Hooter,it was enabled already and it shows the same scrambled channel again.Is there any other way hooter. thanks for ur help.
are you sure that you have the latest firmware on your box, also try a factory reset, and scan in the channels again on your provider, and make sure emulator is enabled after you do a factory reset 'has this happened to anybody else in your area' if that dont work ask for help in one of the other threads as someone may tell you something that im over looking, when was the last time you flashed the box? and what firmware do you have on it, as i said above it may need updated
Hi hooter, iam in dublin ireland and so many people is having the same problem,iam trying to find a solution of that.May be its the nag 3 problem.i purchased the eurobox 5 months back.i didnt get it flashed or updated with the firmware. is there anything i could do. thanks
do you know how to flash boxes or someone in your family may know how to do it as a new update came out about 2 months ago here is the page you can download it from and a bit of information for flashing click link below click for link if you need anymore help you know where i, am also let us know how you get on.