Guys, hope someone can shed some light on this. I have had a Eurovox for over a year and always worked flawlessly. I've recently flashed a few boxes for friends etc, including my own with the new Kuro software for the codes problem. No bother there either, it worked perfectly. However, this wekeend the signal keeps dropping out. "No Signal", green light at the front is flashing, picture is cutting up then completely drops and can't get a good picture anymore. I've moved the box to other room, same problem - i have a N*L digital connection in other room and when i hit HELP menu it shows a signal stregth of ~34 - no problem with the picture (I can see both tv's at once, the BOX still dropping out and the N*L perfect with 34 signal strength). So not matter where i move the box, even checked it in a friends house, the box is fine. Is this a problem with the line? It was great this morning, until around lunch hour - also goes at Peak times 6-8 PM. So i assume this is a signal problem when everyone is using the tv more. So what can i do about it? BUT why has it not been a problem until this weekend? - Different firmware? I hear some firmware has helped others? - Can't exactly ring N*L about it ; ) There's a SIGNAL BOOSTER in TV settings, doesn't do jack i am afraid. So i am open for any suggestions ... appreciated. Cheers.
Having the exact same issue. I'm not the only one about 3-4 others have been asking me about it too and as you say it seems to be around those times. Dbox works fine though. Even tried a few different firmwares, all the exact same. Anyone any ideas? I'm moving to sky soon anyway but would be good to get a solution for the rest of ye.
If you updated any black boxes that were previously working and are now getting the 8% signal problem use this file. It does work. In general use the 18/04/08 software except in the above circumstances.