help guys, my dad has a eurovox max{telepest london} he got it flashed, but b4 that he was getting the pay per view, he wasnt after the flash, so he tried 2 reboot it, he switched it off, n kept his finger on the channel down button on the box, now he has no channels at all, any ideas? he has nothing at all, PLEASE HELP.
Just do a powerscan on 6952 if he has already deleted his channels. But first press menu, installation and user installation, if you see TPs, (list of frequencies), here. Then just press the red button to update channels.
I see 6952 is his symbol rate. PPV will either be on events channel or check channels named CH***, (*** indicates a number). Best to delete events channel and update channels again, BTW not sure if they are still showing PPV repeats in his area?