Hello, I'm new here. I got some help here recently but I am still in need of some advice. I have a Eurovox tx. I have looked around the forum and found the Loader ( in Eamo's ) & Dec 08 Fix EuroVox_TX_22122008.bin. I have Winrar. I sucessfully opened the Loader clicked on BIN file, clicked on Execution tab, waited till it said download complete. As it was downloading my TX went from 0 to 100, it rebooted and switched back on. In system information it still reads: 23/11/07, does this mean it has not downloaded properly. While it is scanning for Channels, it automatically freezes on freq 322.000. I have to exit menu and install the remainder freqs manually. 322.000 is my main problem, I am missing Eurosport 1,etc. How can I correct this? I am working on ch***s m**s, southwest. Please, please HELP, bmw525
I've the same gadget down the Sw too and the same prob. But 23.11.07 is the latest firmware as far as I know for the tx. Shur inputting them few manually aint that big a deal? Eurosport 1 etc are all on 322.000 & euro 2 is on 306.000. Make it quick as seemingly its all going to come to an end soon !!
Thanks for replying, I already tried several times to put in 322.000 manually but to no avail, any ideas please. Ps. Wont be going off air for a long time yet.