hi guys sorry have been a bit out of touch lately with this kind of stuff.. i got a question on the eurovox.. is there a permanent fix for this now.. i guy in work told me there was today.. what is the exact cable i need to connect between the tv and the pc? And also when i connect the to does the computer let ya no its connected correctly- sorry for been confusing now but the same guy told me he couldnt connect the cable to download the software.. is there complications with that or should that part be easy..? any help would be really grateful..
you need a null modem cable.download your image to computer connect box to your computer via null modem then flash to your box.then back to tv and do a full scan hope this is of some help.
thanks for reply.. when ya connect null modem to pc is it reconised by it.. do ya no if this new fix works in cork..?
. when you connect to pc have your file downloader ready .plug in box then hit download button.it will then recognise box press start and it will transfer file when complete you might get a fail.but it will turn to sucssesful.thats it done.what image are you going to download.also what kind of eurovox is it.