I've done everything I needed to do, patched and converted to xiso burnt image slow EvoX recognizez game but freezez at splash screen.Do I need to do anything special with the default.xbe do the files need to be in any certain order when ftp'ing?
Try.. Update your BIOS to the most recent version for your chip.. Use different media.. Upload the files to your HDD and see if it plays from there.. By the way, what game is it?
True crime,I have the latest bios for the x3 str8 from teamxecuter.com I tried dvd-R +R RW.Verbatim,memorex,prodisc Dam! it's really frustrating I know it's recognizing it az a game but it's like it just needs something to push it to full boot. I'll try the Hd.Thanx BR Get back to me on that if you can.Ater I hit the launch dvd it boots to the green evox spash screen like it's gunna load than freezez;(