Evo-X Dash Problem

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by allstar17, Sep 17, 2005.

  1. allstar17

    allstar17 Member

    Aug 23, 2005
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    I recently installed the evo-x dashboard to my xbox, and now I have the blue screen with "Evolution-X" in the background. I don't have a clock on the screen, the disc statuse, or anything else on the sides of the screen. On my list of actions, all I have is: (in order from top to bottom) "M$ Dash", "reboot","power off","settings" and "backup". I can't access my items like the XBMC,HDD Loader or DVD. My game discs all still work and the xbox still functions properly, except for my M$ Dash which I cannot load because I must have tampered with it on accident.
  2. PimpDawg

    PimpDawg Guest

    How did you load on EvoX? w/ Slayers? You could reload it on there again, because it sounds like your evox.ini file is messed up. Or, you could just FTP into your Xbox and reload EvoX on there.

    Also, w/ slayers you can reload your original M$ dash on there.
  3. allstar17

    allstar17 Member

    Aug 23, 2005
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    Yeah, I used Slayer's, but I've tried reloading it and it doesn't help. I think that the problem is with my apps or just my entire E section. There also might be a problem with my items.txt that goes with it. I have also tried reloading my M$ Dash but it doesn't help. How do you load dashboards using FTP?
  4. PimpDawg

    PimpDawg Guest

    Well, check out this FTPing guide:


    Hopefully that helps you out.

    Now, once your in to your Xbox, you should notice that your EvoX files are in your C: (but possibly in your E:) The files that relate to EVOX are evox.ini & evoxdash.xbe

    Now, did you customize Slayers at all when you put it on your Xbox? Or did you just burn the Slayers ISO and pop it in your Xbox w/out changing it at all? If you didn't change it at all, I could send you the evox.ini file via email so you could load it over your evox.ini file you have now.
  5. allstar17

    allstar17 Member

    Aug 23, 2005
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    I didn't customize it, but I can FTP to my Xbox. Is it possible for me to just edit my evox.ini from the FTP. If I can then this is my evox.ini info:

    Current = 0xdfc6288f6b67fd021e1970491c64c0a0


    SetupNetwork = No
    StaticIP = No
    Ip =
    Subnetmask =
    Defaultgateway =
    DNS1 =
    DNS2 =
    SetupDelay = 0
    SkipIfNoLink = No


    Enable = Yes
    Password = xbox


    Enable = Yes


    Enable = Yes
    Name = EvoX


    JumpToMsDash = No
    JumpIfNoLink = Yes
    Use24 = No
    SwapDate = Yes
    SNTP_Server =


    GameRegion = 0
    Fahrenheit = Yes
    AutoLaunchGames = Yes
    AutoLaunchDVD = Yes
    AutoLaunchAudio = Yes
    UseFDrive = No
    UseGDrive = No
    UseItems = Yes
    ScreenSaver = 5
    ShadeLevel = 30
    TSR_Type = 1
    IGR = Yes

    Is there anything that needs to be changed in there?

    I am planning on installing my new 120 GB HDD, would it be easier to just install that and skip this HDD? How could I do that?

    Thanks for the help so far.
  6. allstar17

    allstar17 Member

    Aug 23, 2005
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    Oh, I forgot, even after I install the apps and XBMC, there is nothing under my items.txt.
  7. PimpDawg

    PimpDawg Guest

    Thats all you have in your EvoX.ini? Ok, were gonna start over from scratch, and say screw slayers.

    Now, You can delete everything in your E:, besides your TData & UData & cache folders. Well, you can delete your cache folder if you want, it wont hurt.

    Now, what you are going to do is send your evox.ini file that is on your Xbox's C: to your computer. Copy and paste this now in the evox.ini file, and delete everything else inside of it:


    AutoLaunchGames = No
    AutoLaunchDVD = No
    DVDPlayer = "f:\apps\dvd2.0\default.xbe"
    AutoLaunchAudio = No
    #AudioPlayer = "c:\xboxdash.xbe"
    MSDashBoard = "c:\xboxdash.xbe"
    UseFDrive = Yes
    UseGDrive = Yes
    SkinName = Mario
    #SkinName = RuDeDuDe2
    UseItems = No
    ScreenSaver = 5
    Fahrenheit = Yes
    ShadeLevel = 90
    EnableSMART = Yes
    HDD_Temp_ID = 194
    ChameleonLed = 15
    TSR_Type = 0
    IGR = No
    GameRegion = 0


    SetupNetwork = Yes
    StaticIP = Yes
    Ip =
    Subnetmask =
    Defaultgateway =
    DNS1 =
    DNS2 =
    SetupDelay = 0
    SkipIfNoLink = No


    JumpToMsDash = No
    JumpIfNoLink = Yes
    Use24 = Yes
    SwapDate = No
    SNTP_Server =


    Enable = Yes
    Password = xbox


    Enable = Yes


    Enable = Yes
    Name = Executor box


    ROM = "EvoX 2.0",0x76fd88337b8d8c1f116f85f3984b98b6
    ROM = "EvoX 2.1",0x99487615bb30670cb65993388fcf2a63
    ROM = "EvoX 2.2",0x220ade778785cfc3c98bb5ea8bbd8608
    ROM = "EvoX 2.3",0xd79bc87c2caa1a50dcc7016adf2ccc0a
    ROM = "EvoX 2.4",0xe3ce66b99957a92fdac40af951c3f1fd
    Flash = 0x01d5,"AMD - Am29F080B",0x100000
    Flash = 0x04d5,"FUJITSU - MBM29F080A",0x100000
    Flash = 0xadd5,"Hynix - HY29F080",0x100000
    Flash = 0x20f1,"ST - M29F080A",0x100000
    Flash = 0xbf61,"SST - 49LF020",0x40000
    #Flash = 0x378c,"AMIC - A29002",0x40000
    Current = 0x3dd2a0d2d5d2c26e61c0085d1a3f9be1


    # <Time> =
    # <IP> =
    # <Name>
    # <Version>
    # <CD>
    # <BIOSVer>
    # <KernelVer>
    # <RDName>
    # <SpaceC>
    # <SpaceE>
    # <SpaceF>
    # <SpaceX>
    # <SpaceY>
    # <SpaceZ>
    Text = 30,37,0.5,0x000000,0,"<Time>"
    Text = 28,39,0.5,0x808080,0,"<Time>"
    Text = 620,420,0.5,0x000000,1,"<Name> V<Version>"
    Text = 618,422,0.5,0x808080,1,"<Name> V<Version>"
    Text = 620,37,0.5,0x000000,1,"<CD>"
    Text = 618,39,0.5,0x808080,1,"<CD>"
    Text = 30,420,0.5,0x000000,0,"RD Name : <RDName>"
    Text = 28,422,0.5,0x808080,0,"RD Name : <RDName>"
    LogoType= 0


    Section "Root"
    Item "Launch Game/DVD",ID_Launch_DVD
    Item "Trainers",ID_trainer
    Item "MS Dashboard",ID_MS_Dash
    Item "Reboot",ID_Quick_Reboot
    # Item "Power Cycle",ID_Full_Reboot
    Item "Power Off",ID_Power_Off
    # Item "Lock Harddisk",@210
    # Item "Unlock Harddisk",@211
    Section "System Utils"
    Item "Settings",ID_Settings
    Item "Flash BIOS",ID_Flash_Bios
    Item "Backup",ID_Backup
    Item "Skins",ID_Skins
    Section "Launch Menu"
    Section "Games"
    AutoAddItem "e:\games\"
    AutoAddItem "f:\games\"
    AutoAddItem "g:\games\"
    Section "Apps"
    AutoAddItem "e:\apps\"
    AutoAddItem "f:\apps\"
    AutoAddItem "g:\apps\"
    Section "Emulators"
    AutoAddItem "e:\emulators\"
    AutoAddItem "f:\emulators\"
    AutoAddItem "g:\emulators\"
    Section "Movies"
    AutoAddItem "e:\movies\"
    AutoAddItem "f:\movies\"
    AutoAddItem "g:\movies\"


    LogFile = "f:\lock.log"
    Info "This function will lock your XBOX Harddisk"
    Warning "You will now lock your XBOX harddisk and will be able"
    Warning "to boot from an original XBOX bios"


    LogFile = "f:\unlock.log"
    Info "This function will unlock your XBOX Harddisk"
    Warning "You will now unlock your XBOX harddisk and will not be able"
    Warning "to boot from an original XBOX bios"

    Save the evox.ini and load it back on to your Xbox's C:

    Now, create 4 folders on your Xbox's E:

    1) Games
    2) Apps
    3) Emulators
    4) Movies

    Now, say you have apps you want to load on your Xbox, put them in your Apps folder, the same goes for everything else.

    Hopefully this solves your problem!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2005
  8. allstar17

    allstar17 Member

    Aug 23, 2005
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    OMG! Thanks, it finally works. What will qualify for apps and what won't? (What is XBMC? An App right?)
  9. PimpDawg

    PimpDawg Guest

    lol SWEET!

    Well, it doesn't actually matter what you put in your apps folder. You could put emulators in that folder if you want. I just like being organized, and that is why I created those 4 folders for you.

    Let me know if you have any more questions!
  10. allstar17

    allstar17 Member

    Aug 23, 2005
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    Okay, another question: How do you play games using the emulators? (I can only play games in my games file, and when i load my emulators there are no games) And, could you send me a copy of the M$ Dash because when I load from Slayer's, It doesn't load.
  11. PimpDawg

    PimpDawg Guest

    Make sure you named your emulators folder "Emulators" w/out the quotes. It should work...

    Check ur PM
  12. allstar17

    allstar17 Member

    Aug 23, 2005
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    Yeah, my emulators work, I just don't know which games go where, because there are no games under the emulators. So I get to the emulator, but I can't play anything from there.
  13. PimpDawg

    PimpDawg Guest

    Well, you need to put roms in the "Roms" folders which is located inside of the emulator.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 21, 2005

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