This isnt a Tut or nething i just need some quick answers. Thanx in advance for any answers. I Modded my xbox using Splinter Cell and SID with Action Replay i didnt think i had 2 worry about Live because i didnt think id ever get fast internet but thats changed. Im getting Live and Dsl next like friday and i need some help.! Is it possible 2 play live with a modded dashboard no modchip jus Evox? Is it possible 2 play Live with Burnt Games? If i get banned on Matchmaking in Halo 2 do i get banned from just Halo 2 or do i get banned from Xbox Live? If i cant access xbox live without getting banned how can i completely restore my original Dashboard and completely erase Linux and Evox? Any help is greatly appreciated Thanx so much!!!
You will not be able to sign in to live from evox dashboard, it has to be from the ms dashboard. You can get the dual boot softmod which is meant to let you still sign in but that never worked for me. If you get caught in matchmaking you will be banned from that but you should be ok to still play other games. ( i got banned about 6 months ago but am still able to play custom games and everyother game I have in live) If you just want to get on live then i'd suggest removing the mod altogether. You should have an option on your dashboard somewhere that says 'restore m$ dash' this will uninstall your softmod and supposedly put it back to how it was. I have found out that it does not remove erevy file but it will put it back to a state so that you can get onto live and not get banned. (unless you still run modded maps that is!!) To get rid of every file that shouldnt be on there you will have to ftp in to your box when you are in the SID menu.