I need some help with EvoX... I can't select the apps I have loaded to my E: drive! I can select apps in the dash menu - but there is no apps listed to select -I have checked my XBOX HDD - the apps ARE THERE!) What do I need to add to my .ini file to correct this? (If this is the problem) I can post the ini file if necessary.....
well first u have to make sure that all the files needed are indeed there other wise Evox won't allow u to load it. Also make sure there is a deafult.xbe file some where in the program u are using. And it would be healpful if you told use what app you are trying to use. As for the .ini file don't do anything with that yet unless someone else knows otherwise! Also make sure all of the files that encompass that progarm are all organied into a folder with the name of the app as the folder name because as u get moere and more apps u need to keep them organized.
Yep.....files are there, installed on XBOX hdd. "Also make sure there is a deafult.xbe file some where in the program u are using." So I need to add this default.xbe into each folder of each app I wanna use? As far as a particular app - I want to backup a game to my XB hdd and/ or burn to disc (dvd2xbox)... but using any app at this point would be nice. All of my apps are in folders named to what the app is.... What next?
well if u are fimilar to using xbins then it is as simple as taking the files u extract from xbins and putting them into a corresponding folder in E/APPS. I probably shoudl have mentioned this eariler u just dont' through the files in the E folder u have to make an APPS folder and put them in there. Just label your folder that so we are on the same page! And if relabeling the folder and a new download from xbins following my instructions double check to see if ther is a deafult.xbe file somewhere in the programs contents!
alright if these apps or dashes idk what specifically u are using are aquired off xbins then all u should need to do is put them in ur apps folder. On the other hand if u are replacing a dash u must delete the old dash content off the C drive and replace it with the new one and rename the deafult.xbe to the name of the dash or the name listed on the chip info. As for apps take a look around at the flles and folders in the app and see if u can find a file called deafult.xbe if it is not there then that is ur problem if it is then post back.
Nothing called default.xbe in the apps folders... What file am I suppodes to rename to default.xbe I am using evox, so I should rename my evox.xbe to default.xbe...what do I do with the XBOX dashboard's .xbe file ????