I have a soft modded Xbox that has Unleash X on it. I have done everything I can think of to get rid of it and run Evox instead, but have had no luck. Does anyone have any idea how I could do this? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!
If you use SID4 (Use an Action Replay) I think you can just install over it, but I'm not completely sure. /awaits Chunkhead.
Well did you try using the game you used to install your softmod with and run linux and then go to uninstall. well thats how i uninstalled my soft modded dash and went to evox but I didn't like it so I went back to unleashx. But as DDRmaster said this does await chunkhead because he knows everything he is like the oracle of xbox modding.
Chunkhead is a god. He might seem like an advertisement but he's advertising for the greater good. xDD
@DDrmaster lol yeah @haduke well i was looking around at random stuff and this came up http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/536178 look at the second post which is the one by chunkhead you could have probly found ur answer by searching the forums and dont take this as flame i am just informing you and this is basically what i said just more detailed well not really but it does answer your question thanks to chunkhead. Chunkhead is my hero his tuts helped me fix my xbox with error 16 because i deleted sum softmod file.
Just get an AID iso its easy it does it for you it contains many dashboards. Yes, chunckhead is the best.