hey everyone i was wondering if all you intelligent people out there know any good experiments like the mentos and coke one. for those of you who have never heard of this, when u put mentos in a diet coke, the coke explodes into the air . i just tried this yesteday and man, it was some good sheet. u can watch the vid here: http://youtube.com/watch?v=VJhwHgF6Av4&search=mentos and coke anyways, i was wondering if anyone else know any good idead/experiments? im looking for something like the one above( or one that explodes ) im open to all ideas thanks
If you put dry-ice in soda it will Blow up...........You would do this outside though.......And if you have baking soda or powder and put it in soda it will also explode........You have to put alot in though for it to build up enough pressure Take a look at this..... http://thatvideosite.com/view/2436.html
hey i like the sound of that dry ice in soda experiment. but i hear that you can always just fill up a quater of an empty 2-liter bottle with water and put the dry ice in it(https://www.totse.com/en/bad_ideas/ka_fucking_boom/161646.html) anyways, would it matter if i jus wait a few mins for it to explode after i put in the dry ice or can i throw the bottle IMMEDIATELY after i put the dry ice in? is there a certain amount of time i have to wait? also, does the dry ice in soda differ signincalty fomr the dry ice in water? i have a clip here http://videowombat.blogspot.com/2006/05/fun-with-dry-ice-bombs.html finally, any precautions u would give? thanks
Ummm......Lol i'm not sure i just saw a video on a site where they would put dry ice in a soda bottle tighten the cap....And got away from the bottle until it exploded....They also picked it up and threw it but i don't know how long they waited before they threw it... I personally never did it...
mixing equal parts of orange juice and gasoline makes napalm, mixing clorine and alcohol causes a gas grenade like explosion and if uve seen Fight Club then u know with the right amount of soap, you can blow up just about anything ^_^
In my day a simple jiffy bag with Welch's jelly and peanut butter with an M-80 provided enough entertainment. I guess times change.
+1 for dryice and chlorine bombs, dry ice is okay, but you have to smash, well into quarter sized pieces so it will fit into the bottle, and dont put to much water, and you want to shake it, dont be afraid. And on the chloro bombs, be very carful, dont shake at all, get a friend to pour and cap then toss, maybe forehand throw it by the top so it mixes in mid air, and in a well ventelated area, with noone around, the gas is equivilant to mustard gas, and GTFO.
I used to work for Coca-cola, In the production dept. I bottled it all. That was the best part of the job, blowing up 2Lt. and cans. As far as the dry ice just fill a 2Ltr. half way up with water and then put the dry ice pellets in (about 5 or 6) and run.
Ohh also, drano bombs, you take a piece of aluminun foil, and shove it into the cap of a drano bottle,(which is clear of its residue)and close cap, and throw it into the air, dont try to spin it, cause once the drano makes contact with the foil it will explode into a puff of toxic gas.
I seen that Mentos and Diet Coke experiment on the tv show NUMB3RS. I'm gonna try that out pretty soon.