First off I have been burning .avi files to data dvd's without problems for a long time. My Dvd player is a Philips DVD5982, also very old. It works well with all my old files and even plays most new ones. I say most b/c that is where the problem is. It will just freeze on some new files, and go back to load screen. I have tried buying new dvd and blu-ray but that just caused more problems. The Philips tech suggested 1. cleaning it with a disk cleaner 2. burning at slower speed 3. that my reader was gone. 4. that it was a code issue. I tried and troubleshooted all, nothing seems to work. It can not be the reader or it would not play at all especially old ones. It can not be the specific new files, b/c they and the disk work just fine on the pc, all the way through. If it were the codec issue, why would it play at all. Below are 4 movie specs. The top 2 failed after 3/4 of the movie. The last 2 played all the way through. AVG-BITRATE:......... 2119 kb/s AUDIO:....... ac3, 48000 Hz, stereo, 192 kb/s VIDEO:....... mpeg4, yuv420p, 720x384, 23.97 fps(r) CUTS OFF 3/4 OF MOVIE Size: 1524930826 bytes (1.42 GiB), duration: 02:11:34, avg.bitrate: 1545 kb/s Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, stereo, 192 kb/s Video: mpeg4, yuv420p, 720x304, 25.00 fps(r) CUTS OFF AT 3/4 OF MOVIE AVG-BITRATE:......... 1666 kb/s AUDIO:....... ac3, 48000 Hz, stereo, 192 kb/s VIDEO:....... mpeg4, yuv420p, 720x304, 23.98 fps(r) WORKS ALL THE WAY Container and Codec: AVI & Xvid Frontend And Writing Library: VirtualDubMod & XviD 62 Bitrate: 1 320 Kbps Encoding: 2 Pass Resolution: 720x304 Display Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1 Quality Factor (QF): 0.252 Frame Rate: 23.976 fps WORKS ALL THE WAY All 4 of these films are within the same time period. So what's the factor. Blu-ray player bought claimed to play .avi but ran into Cinavia issues.
Well they are mostly Windata. Wouldn't that be a consistent factor though. Why stop at about the same point on some, and finish on others?
Unless you know that you have consistently reliable disks, you can't rule out the cause of the problem. The only consistently good DVD blanks come from Verbatim (not the 'value' or 'life' series). Your disks could be made by anyone and the only way to find out who made them is by looking at the media ID code. Windata - in this listing which may be out of date, shows MCC and TY which are Verbatim and Taiyo-Uden - good media and UME which are landfill material. Here's an example of a Verbatim disk code.
Well I appreciate your time. The problem has been solved. The issue is within the files. Files encoded with Packed Bitstream cause problems with my player. Unpack the bitstream reburn, problem solved. Thanks
Even though your problem 'is solved'. Attar has been doing this for a while so have I. It is a common misconception for beginners that you can have batches of good media from low quality vendors. The QC is poor so the quality is not consistent even within a disk. Any 'old fart' who has been burning disks for 15 years doesn't waist time with junk. Freezing is usually caused by inferior media. I know, not in your case. These are moderately high end disks and not too costly. They will not go bad in a year or two or even 10.
Well I am not an old fart, and I have been doing this for over 15 years too. Disks are disks. I just bought a new pack of Memorex, so far so good. I also have used Philips, Sony, Verbatim, and probably more. I am sure there is a valid point about disks, however this is far too technical to associate any problems with the disk. I went through the whole pack of Windata, bought very inexpensively with no problems. So let's not try to fix something that is not broken.
You disagree with' the experts' but you seem to have success so why quit? You have as much experience as I do. I don't have your luck. May be I could use cheaper disks and get away with it. I have had very bad luck with brands like Sony and Fugi and much worse with memorex. They become unreadable many times faster than Verbatim as well as making a lot of coasters.
If the people I disagreed with were experts than they would have solved the problem like someone else did on another site. So be it! Where are we going with this? Thanks goodnight.