could sombody plz explain what the benifits are to softmodding your xbox and what all do i get to do once i have done it compared to not doing it thanks
The best way i can think of explaining soft mods would be to say use google. If you are incapable of using google you have no chance of actual soft modding your box yourself.
Obviously, you know the features of a standard xbox, the main difference in a modded xbox is the ability to change the interface as well as backup any type of media. When you turn on the xbox you will see an entirely different menu screen. You will be able to modify the files on your xbox and communicate with your computer to send music, photos, movies, and games onto it. After modding your xbox you can replace the default hard drive and put in a bigger hard drive (but you don't have to) and store whatever you want. What most people use a modded xbox for is backing up Xbox games as well as playing older system's games such as Atari, Sega Genesis, Nintendo, N64, etc. These games can all be stored on the xbox and would not otherwise be availible on an unmodded xbox. In addition to the games, you can store entire movies or tv shows or whatever media you want. Modding basically gives you the ability to control an entire media center mixed with a gaming console. If you would like to do this to your system, there are thousands of step-by-step guides out there to help you out. I would recommend searching for "softmodding guide" and if you would like, I'd be glad to let you know the basic procedure. IF YOU SOFTMOD, BE SURE TO BACKUP YOUR "EEPROM"!!! This is a small file that is different for every xbox, once you have this you can basically fix any problem you may experience. Most guides out there don't stress this enough.
hey thanks i just got done softmodding my xbox via the Splinter Cell game save exploit. so what comes next i mean what am i supposed to do or can i do. any help would be great thanks. i have the UnleashedX dash
Okay, first thing you need to do is BACKUP! This is very important. Download "EvoX" or "ConfigMagic" and backup your "eeprom". And by backup I mean use one of the programs listed to retrieve your eeprom and then FTP it to your computer and put it on a CD or something safe. This is a very important step because if you ever mess up your xbox you will be able to recover it with this file. To FTP to your computer you will need a CAT-5 Crossover cable or a standard CAT-5 and a router. There are hundreds of guides, search for "xbox FTP" and you'll find tons of resources. Once connected to your computer you can transfer over your music/pictures/videos to a folder on your E Drive (make one titled "Media" or whatever). And you will need "Xbox Media Center" to play/view them. It's really up to you what you want to do next, download "DVD2XBOX" to copy games to your hard drive or learn to FTP so you can transfer your own stuff over. The stock hard drive (the one that came in your xbox) will only store so much, it's only 8-10gb. Good luck, let me know if you have any more questions.
hey thanks alot for all the help so far and for the help im sure you may be able to provide me in the future. and yes i did have some more questions. number 1 i would like to upgrade my HDD to something bigger any thoughts on brand and size, and is there a hotswapping tutorial that you know about that might be able to help me out because my friends box went to shit and he got a new one but wants all the info off his old HDD. so if you know of a tutorial or you know yourself either please post the link to the thread or PM me. number 2, do you know or know where to get XBMC and tutorial on how to use and install it. number 3 what is this AID3 that i keep reading about and what does it do. number 4 i have also been kicking around the idea of getting a mod chip but have no idea what kind to get, do you have any suggestions on them or know someone that could help me out in this department and do you know the benefits off getting a chip even with a softmod already installed. i know this is a lot at one time but i am extremely new to this and would really appreciate any help on these topics that i can get. thanks a bunch in advance. forgot one more thing where is my EEPROM located on my HDD and do i also need to FTp anything else from my box to my pc so i can put them on a disc like maybe the MS dash or anything else remotely important thanks