I have some proplems with WindowsXP. I had some Visa Pack 3 Theme for WinXP which didn't work properly. I uninstall that pack, and now I have this kind of proplem: Now when I try to start Windows, comes first message error which says that Explore.exe not work. Then Windows don't load desktop or start menu. All I have on the screen is my current wallpaper. I cant even right click on the desktop. The only way I can access any programs would be through CTRL+ALT+DEL --> RUN. I tried to start explorer.exe through CTRL+ALT+DEL --> RUN but the same error message comes immediately. Can somebody help me?
You could try a program like TweakUI and rebuild the icon cache...or if you have System Restore on and ready, try to do a restore back to the date prior to installing the theme pack. The Vista conversion pack has laid waste to many systems...so don't feel bad. Email the creator of the program and let them know it hosed your system.
Can I get in System Restore through CTRL+ALT+DEL --> RUN? How can I get touch with this theme which is created that pack?
Absolutely. Go to File, New Task and type in msconfig. Click the button called "Launch System Restore" from the General tab.
Using System Restore to undo a change is like trying to kill a fly with a fishermans net. Instead, run System file checker. To do this, go to 'Run...' and type 'sfc /scannow' (without the quotes). It mau may ask you to insert your Windows XP CD.
Yeah, you can try that too...but I'll place my money on that not working. @ashwin, Next time, learn some respect. Do Not shoot down someone else's ideas and helpful tips by diverting the person to use yours.
Morph416, I don't get you. I didn't mean to 'shoot down your idea'. What I really meant was this: Using System restore will bring back your pc to life in most cases, but you may also lose some important files. It had happened to me once, and I can't tell you how mad I was. I lost my Linux Installer, which was GIGs in size. The restoration undo did not work too. That's why I suggested this alternate idea. Anyway, I'm sorry if you felt THAT way.