A friend of mine has a LG burner hooked to a USB port. He made one good burn then the next one starts but never finishes. It seems like there is a communacation failure. I dont use a external and have not been able to play with his, so any ideas. Plus I asked him to pull up the XP event viewer which would not lunach. The service is on, so it seems he might need a fresh install.
Post your friends last failed burn log from Nero. Burner up to date on firmware and using good media? Was this an internal drive that they put in an enclosure or is this an 'out of the box' external?
The burn does not fail, it just hangs. He has to reboot to close Nero. His first and only burn was on some Office Depot brand. Since then he tried the same,a Ritek RW and some of my Riteks. It is an out of the box' external. I am going to hook it to my system and see what happens.