ok i have an external LiteOn 411SX (4x) burner. its a real external burner running USB 2, no enclosure or anything like that. i also have an internal (2x) burner on my notebook. ok a few months ago they both worked perfectly with Nero, Shrink, and Decrypter....now the external burner will not burn a dvd! i have reformatted, updated the ASPI, checked with Nero infoTool, LiteOn doesn't have an update for the firmware for this drive (i don't think), ran SFC file checker, tried TDK media and Sony media (no Ridata on hand, sorry), have installed/uninstalled/reinstalled shrink,decrypter, and nero many times, used registry checker........ALL to no avale with the external burner. getting a nice coaster every time i try. any ideas? btw - i have the latest ASPI, latest shrink/decrypter from afterdawn.com, and just bought the latest full version of Nero. thanks... k
btw - this external LiteOn burner does CDs perfectly and without fail. why would it hiccup on DVDs and not CDs??
I am experiencing the same thing except with an NEC 8x 2510 buner. Pretty much the same thing as you dvd shrink..nero...all working fine until about 1 month ago. Now I cant burn dvd's. CD's like you said...fine. I have reformatted..updated drivers...you name it. I even bought a new burner...still nothing. I am totally lost as to what it may be. Maybe we'll get some help on this board.
Try this Uninstall your dvd-rw drives. uninstall all dvd software-shrink,nero,decrytper. Make sure that your video card drivers are updated make sure that you are up to date with all updates for your operation system xp,2000 go to Microsoft website for this. if you dont know how to uninstall your dvd-rw drives follow this. 1. click on start, click on control panel, click on performance and maintenance, click on system, click on hardware, click on device manager, click the + next to dvd/cd-rom drives, position your mouse on your dvd-rw drive on right click then click uninstall do this for all. 2. restart computer windows will reinstall the drives 3. install all the sofware nero-1st, shrink-2nd and so on.
Nero isn't the problem. i have ripped files from shrink and decrypter both with no problem, but when i try to burn through decrypter with an ISO from shrink, i get an error msg about 75% into the burn process. same with trying to use Nero. i have dropped the total file size to under 4300 and still getting it, BUT this is ONLY trying to use my USB 2 external burner. the internal works flawlessly, but is significantly slower.