External DVD Recorder for Laptop question/Help plz

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by bahgee, Dec 29, 2006.

  1. bahgee

    bahgee Guest

    Im buying an external usb DVD Burner w/ my Best buy Gift certificates.I use a laptop so... they have a bunch of Pinnacle Burners. I will be usind DVD Ripper Platinum. Will a Pinnacle burner be ok? I dont really care how fast it burns, as long as it can copy a dvd to dvd in good quality etc etc. Thanks
  2. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Hi bahgee
    Never heard of Pinnacle burners - any links to them you can give?

    Check the minimum specs required for the burner too - make sure your laptop meets them.
  3. bahgee

    bahgee Guest


    This is the cheaper Pinnacle. they have a pricier Pinnacle and plextor too but its pricey. I checked the specs and im solid. The url above is the site in which im gonna order it from.
    This url below is from Pinnacles site. Looks pretty user friendly. Plz take a look and tell me what you think. Thanks bro


    By the way, i did not realize your gender. sorry bout that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2006
  4. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    I'm not really sure this is what you want - not a 'true' dvd burner like a Plextor.
    From the links - Quick to Connect – just plug it in
    Simply attach your Dazzle DVD Recorder to your camcorder and your PC’s Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port, then capture from virtually any video source – S-Video and Composite Video inputs provide full-resolution DVD recording.

    And from Best Buys site - Design and burn DVDs for play in most set-top DVD players (DVD burner required)
    In Best buy it's listed under 'video editting cards' and not dvd writers.

    Doesn't look like this will copy a dvd.

    How much were the Plextors there? There's a external LiteOn for 99 and a Sony same price - the Sony recommends an 2.8ghz processor.
  5. bahgee

    bahgee Guest

    AFter further browsing i found this Lite On and LG- The url below has the specs. The sony you listed is not compatible with my system. My CPU is not that hoss.


    Plextor and the Pinnacle are all editing cards like you said. Best buy only carries that Lite On external usb burner and LG burner i just found. Which one do you think for my purposes? As long as it works w. dvd ripper platinum i dont care how fast it burns.

    they have this LG though. All the specs are listed on url


    Thanks Bro. Let me know so i can get the ball rolling. Appreciate you
  6. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Go with the LiteOn - on of my favs (just got an external one today myself - different model though)
    20 bucks cheaper and they are good drives.

    Couldn't find the processor requirements on the LG even at LG's site.

    Now I'm not familar w/ DVD Ripper Platinum but I haven't had a burner that the different programs I use don't work with.
  7. bahgee

    bahgee Guest

    Im mainly into extracting tracks/chapter or some call them segements from my Concert DVDs? Alot of peeps in After dawn have recommended Dvd Ripper Platinum for this, and for general dvd copying. What Do You Use??

    this is the url for Xilisoft DVD ripper? http://www.xilisoft.com/dvd-ripper-platinum.html

    Im really interested in other peoples opinions on software especially if they can be used for separating audio segments so i can convert them to mp3s later for ipod and cd audio use. does your stuff do that?? Let me know the haps on it. Thanks a bunch

    OH and great news, since that LIte on is cheaper. Will most dvd burners work with the non-scam software out there? By the way can i just email you directly? YOu seem to know whats up. Some people are kinda snotty and lame in here.Either way. Thanks
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2006
  8. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Now that's one thing I haven't done - ripping clips/segments from dvd's or extracting the audio only from them.
    I can give you some links that may help:
    audio rip
    rip parts of dvd

    DVD copying is one thing I do - I use AnyDVD w/ CloneDVD, Shrink or Recode or rip w/ DVDFab Decrypter and use one of the latter 3 to compress & burn or use RipIt4Me.

    Yes most burners will work with non scam software.

    Oh and no problem on the help :)
  9. bahgee

    bahgee Guest

    Rt on. DVD Ripper Platinum was the most preferred for my needs. Ide like to try your stuff at some point. I take it you just copy dvds from originals? Hows the quality?
  10. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    You got it - I copy the originals. I do copy concert dvd's too but the whole thing.

    Quality is good. I keep the compression somewhat low - usually around 30% or less.

    Then there's the avi, wmv etc conversions to dvd - they usually turn out good - just depends on the source.

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