i cant get the extra 2 GB free by formating F. In evox it says F is enabled but in dvd2xbox it says not enabled and wont let me enable it. I tried editing the evox.ini and putting what i was suppose to but when i hit format F it comes up and ask me if im sure then it wont do it. just flashes back to main menu. do i have to unlock the hard drive or what to enable F? i have newest evox and newest version of xbox. Do you have to have a modchip to do this? right now im just softmodded.
look when u picked your nk patcher did u pick .06 or .67 becuz if any data over 8 gigs is avaialable 06 will put it on the F drive while .67 wont....
well that proabably runs .06 automatically and only the seagate 10gb has 10 gigs all the other ones only have 8
no games on my HD says i have 4,8** left. thats like 5gb free - 1 gb for all the mods evox and tools is 6. wheres the other 2 gb?
im gonna put a seagate 40GB in it will that hard drive work ok? its a seagate 3.5in 5400 rpm out of a compaq pc. i upgraded it to a 160 GB 7200 rpm. i was gonna put a 7200 but i dont think it needs a 7200 and that old 40 gb is just laying around collection dust . can you swap a hdd without a modchip with just softmodded?