Hi. i was wondering if the ez4 works for most ds games. I dont really care about gba games or emulators. but would be nice to have some support. I have heard the M3 lite is great for ds games, great gba support, bad homebrew. and the supercard lite is great for ds games, bad gba support, and ok homebrew, but m3 get faster updates. then i saw the ez4 and im wondering...?
Works with every DS game I've played so far, with the only problem being poor video playback on Castlevania. Also, the compatibility distribution is more like this. M3, EZ4, and Supercard all have great DS compatibility, with the difference being the amount of time it takes for their coders to get brand new incompatible games working. M3 and EZ4 both have great GBA support besides the fact that EZ4 carts lack a RTC (only used with Pokemon games). Supercard has poor GBA compatibility like you expected. As for homebrew, the Supercard and M3 both have great support, while the EZ4 has next to none, with the only worthwhile working app being Moonshell.