Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by PieSlave, Aug 28, 2007.

  1. PieSlave

    PieSlave Guest

    What has happened at the F2ATV Site? The last message said they were under ddos attack whatever that is and no new messages after that. I am afraid to go to that site now. A message before that said another FTA site was completely hacked. Is there any other sites that have the bin files?
  2. bill038

    bill038 Guest

    I am on that site right now and seen nothing about them being hacked.
  3. PieSlave

    PieSlave Guest

    I have the F2ATV tool bar and the messages I talked about were on them. Now when I try to access the messages I get 'messages deleted'... Sounds funny that they deleted the warnings. One message I remember said it was safe to logon if you were a premium member as that was on some other server?/ something like that. Anyone else on that site?
  4. bill038

    bill038 Guest

    Go over there and do a search for ddos attack and the posts that come up will explain what has happened.

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