ffdshow and mp3

Discussion in 'Video - Software discussion' started by raddish, Nov 21, 2005.

  1. raddish

    raddish Member

    Feb 9, 2005
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    when encoding an xvid file into vcd with either tmpgenc or mainconcept mpeg encoder - if I have ffdshow (any version) enabled for mp3 processing then there is no audio on the newly encoded vcd/mpeg file.

    If I uncheck mp3 processing in ffdshows audio settings and then try encoding said file again there is audio.

    File is an xvid with vbr mp3.

    I usually seperate out the audio using virtualdub but sometimes I just loadthe whole file into tmpgenc and let it go.

    Why does ffdshow stop the audio from working in these two sets of software and is there a workaround?
  2. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Generally One of 2 Things will happen when encodeing VBR MP3 audio in tmpgenc no matter what decoder you are useing, One is that you will Not get any audio at all and the second is you will get audio but it will be Totally out of Sync with the Video.....

    The VBR MP3 audio format isn"t actually supposed to be used with Video files because the Microsoft AVI Container Format doesn"t support VBR Audio which is why there are so many problems with Files that use this Format.....

    I find it simply better to decompress the audio before encodeing as to avoid these Types of Problems.....

  3. raddish

    raddish Member

    Feb 9, 2005
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    I use toolame and ssrc with tmpgenc so a temporal wav file is created before encoding which takes care of the sync problem.

    As for the vbr mp3 some times working and sometimes not working - with ffdshow 100% of the time it does not work. Without ffdshow 100% of the time it does work.

    Something is going wrong in the decoding of the mp3 within tmpgenc and mainconcept.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2005

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