Hi all, I have recently encountered a problem with my Media Classic Player and WinAmp and that is when I try to play a movie through one of them, the Mdeia or Winamp player screen goes grey a box flashes up and say "Media Player has encountered a Problem and needs to close" The problem is then identified by Windows as "FFMpeg is not working properly" but when i go on the FFmepg site there is nothing but 'Gobbly-goock' I am not technically minded so I cold not give much about my computer specifications, only to say that it is Vista. Can anyone shed any light on this please? cheers Garry
First thing to do is try reinstalling ffmpeg.. it's likely some other application has changed some of the library version info.. Lots of paid software (convertx and xillisoft to name 2) is taking the ffmpeg libs and not complying with the gpl. http://www.videohelp.com/tools/ffmpeg http://ffmpeg.org/shame.html