Fifa Street 3 NTSC

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by r4messne, Feb 26, 2008.

  1. r4messne

    r4messne Guest

    I have downloaded fifas3 NTSC using newsgroups and when I go to extract all of the parts file .r06 comes up corrupt. I have tried downloading from numerous sources and the same thing keeps happening. I have also tried to fix the file using RAR fixing programs but it still will not extract. Does anyone have any idea on what to do about this? Thanks for the help.
  2. corn

    corn Guest

    You should just be able to extract it from one, not each, and then burn the ISO.
  3. r4messne

    r4messne Guest

    When i extract from .r00 it extracts fine until it gets to .r06 then it says the file is corrupt. So i am following the correct process it just stops at .r06.
  4. corn

    corn Guest

    Oh. Try bittorent, maybe you can find it there, however I an unable to give you a link..
  5. r4messne

    r4messne Guest

    Ya I am downloading the file now but it is the same size and same properties as the one I have now. Do you think it will still be corrupt?
  6. r4messne

    r4messne Guest

    And just so you know when I said I am downloading it now I meant I am downloading it from a torrent site.
  7. corn

    corn Guest

    It could have just been a bad download, who knows. Hope for the best.
  8. r4messne

    r4messne Guest

    Can anyone confirm that this rip works at all??? Because the torrent didnt work either? Does anyone have any ideas about how to fix my problem of a corrupt file?
  9. corn

    corn Guest

    Is there another version of it? Try a private site somewhere. Chances are the guy who uploaded it to newsgroups also put it on Bittorent.
  10. r4messne

    r4messne Guest

    Are you aloud to tell me how to find a private site or maybe give me a link to one?
  11. corn

    corn Guest

    I can tell you one, but I can't give invites. Google blackcat games.
  12. r4messne

    r4messne Guest

    Do know of any way I could get an invite or a site that would allow me to join?

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