File Size

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by sgroves, Jun 16, 2006.

  1. sgroves

    sgroves Member

    Jun 16, 2006
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    Let me first start by saying that if this is posted elsewhere, I apologize. I tried to do a search before posting and couldn't find an answer. I am looking to find out why I am unable to burn more than 1 file to a video dvd. The files are roughly 351 MB, are compressed in Xvid. I understand that conversion will change the size of files on the DVD, but that seems excessive. I am using Sonic MyDVD - RecordNow version 6.5.0 and while it allows me to a disc by burning as data, it doesn't look or function as well as a video disc does.

    So I guess my question is: is this natural? I mean I would think a 4.5 gig disc should hold at least 2 gigs of unconverted data?

    Also, since I'm unhappy with Sonic's overall performance can anyone recommend a burning software suite? I'd like to be able to find something that will allow me to actually edit the videos and clips that I want to burn.

    Thanks in advance.

    SOCOMII Regular member

    Jul 4, 2005
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    You could try nero i guess but what i would suggest the most for you, is to get a avi dvd player so you can burn as a data dvd or cd and no coversion needed.

    Well, you would think that but its not the case. XviD files are very compressed and dvd files arent do your just bassicaly uncompressing it, whicih is why i suggestes you get a avi capable dvd player.

    also even if you converted only one episode (im guessing 350 mb file) it would not be the same quality as the XviD because with every conversion you lose quality.
  3. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    I agree with SOCOMII I would use Nero.

    Nero has a program called Nero Vision Express which is great for converting AVI to DVD or VCD whatever compatible format you want to convert the AVI(Xvid) into.

    It acts like a VCR when it comes to how much you can put onto a DVD. When you import an AVI file you have 3 diffrent settings Standard play, Long play and Super long play. But of course the lower setting you choose the less quaility there will be. SO you can add as many AVI files as you want just as long as it will fit on the Super Long Play Option. It also will let you clip parts of the AVI file you dont want on it out.

    If you do go to Nero software then you need to make sure you delete your Sonic software. Pluss go to the Sonic site and there should be cleaning software that you can use to clean the drivers and registery settings out of your computer. This is very important to do before installing Nero onto your computer. If you do not do it then you could have compatiblity issues when installing Nero if any part of Sonics is still on your computer.

    But if you dont want to go through all that trouble then I would also do what SOCOMII sugested and buy a DVD player that is AVI(Xvid, DivX MPEG4) compatible. Alot easier to burn the AVI files onto a data DVD and watch that way. I have 1 that is compatible and I love it. You can pick 1 up for around $60. I got mine at Walmart.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2006

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