files too large for disk when they are clearly not...? help

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Rossi107, Jun 2, 2006.

  1. Rossi107

    Rossi107 Member

    Sep 24, 2005
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    i HAVE read around for help but found nothing.
    i HAVE updated my writters firmware and,
    i HAVE crated movie DVDs before.. just not of this size.

    ok...ive created the DVD flies using ConvertXtoDVD.

    i set the max files size to 8200mb to make sure the end result would fit onto my Verbatim DVD+R Double Layers disks, which are 8.5GB (of course) but..

    the files created are 8.02GB... nero even agrees with this, as does CopyToDVD, however...

    nero reads my DVDs as being 8.152GB in size, and will not let me burn the files as they are too large, nor does CopyToDVD

    i dont understand where the other 350mb has gone? heeellpp

    thanks, Rossi.
  2. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    try this with clonecd and anydvd,free to try for 21 days
    this works for me on all d/l disks

    CloneCD is the perfect tool to make backup copies of your music and data CDs, regardless of copy protection. CloneCD's award-winning user interface allows you to copy almost any CD in just a few mouse clicks.

    Since the release of 5.0, CloneCD is not only able to copy CDs but also all DVD formats, such as DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD+R Dual Layer and DVD-RAM. The movies are copied 1:1 and therefore not modified (compressed). Note that to copy movie DVDs you also require AnyDVD.

    CloneCD also works with other formats such as ISO and UDF files and copies CDs/DVDs with the new SafeDisc 3 Copy Protection System. CloneCD allows you to create perfect 1:1 copies of your valuable original compact discs. Should your copy-protected music CD not play in your car audio, the backup created by CloneCD will.

    Slysoft combine knowledge and innovation with many years of experience and direct communication with customers to provide constant improvements, therefore making CloneCD the highest quality copying application around.

    get them here

    quote by unknown

    These instructions should work with Windows 2000 using NTFS or Windows XP

    Make sure AnyDVD is running on your system
    Put your DVD movie that you want to backup into your computer's DVD burning Drive.
    Open CloneCD
    Click on the "Copy CD" button
    Click "Next"
    Under Image File Click the "Browse..." button
    Select a directory for you backup image file, on a hard drive on your system, with enough space for your image file.
    In the dropdown box "save as type" select "image"
    In the "file name" box give your file a name like "thenameofyourmovie.iso"
    If you want to save the ISO file uncheck "Delete after a successful Write"
    otherwise leave it checked. (Be sure to watch you disc space if you keep the
    ISO files.)
    Click "Next" and your image file should be created. Once finished you should
    be prompted to insert a blank disc. (I recommend you use the Verbatium +DL
    discs. If you shop around you can find them for around 2 dollars a disc. I
    have had success with RiDATA +R DL discs I bought at but others have not liked them.)
    Once you insert the blank DVD Disc you will have the option from a dropdown
    list for burn speed. I set it to 2.4. And then burn the disc.

    Last edited: Jun 2, 2006
  3. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Dual layer DVDs only hold about 8GB of data after overhead. This is probably accounting for some of the estimated file size differences as well as where the layer break is positioned, etc.

    Just use DVD Shrink to create an ISO from what you have so far and to compress it to fit a DL disk. I'd burn with ImgBurn or DVD Decrypter rather than Nero. I just haven't had good experiences with Nero determining layer breaks.
  4. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    using the above clonecd i have no problem with the layer break..
    clonedvd has problems with the layer break..and clonecd is faster..
    so far i did need to use shrink...
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2006
  5. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    I think the problem is that there isn't a disk to make a copy of since an iso or VIDEO_TS folder of video files was created by ConvertXtoDVD in converting AVIs to make a DVD compliant disk. Nero and CopyToDVD are balking at burning the DVD because the data is too big to fit the disk. At least that's the way I understand the problem. I could be wrong of course and often am.

    I haven't used CloneCD or CloneDVD but it's good to know they work well. I've had good luck with both DVDD and ImgBurn for burning DL media and less successful results with Nero.
  6. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    i had clonecd for a very long time about 3 weeks ago i started to play with i been doing d/l movies,so far i did about 15 movies its sure a great program for a one to one copy..

    i have use it alot for burning iso and UDF files andCDs/DVDs with the new SafeDisc 3

    do not get me wrong i do use imgburn,but i am a slysoft guy...
  7. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    I love Slysoft as well. I think AnyDVD is the best program I've seen in a long time for the money. I just haven't used the others as I've had no need.
  8. Rossi107

    Rossi107 Member

    Sep 24, 2005
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    DVD Shrink worked perfectly, it compressed the files and created the ISO for me. i used DVD Decryter to burn and it worked fine.

    thanks for all your help.
  9. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    You're welcome, Rossi107.

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