Im wondering how to transfer a file from my computer to my Xbox, and use it on a game... Im using FlashFXP, and I dont know where I would save the file or how to use it on the game.. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Im looking to save Modded maps on my xbox for halo2 idk how to open the modded map on my xbox dash Any one know?
ok if you have already modded them and resigned them and kno how 2 ftp into the Xbox then open up E:/ go to E:/Tdata then E:/4d530064 then E:/4d530064/$C and then click on one of the three files and locate the map u modded and transfer it over and overwrite the non modded map with the modded one and it should work
Hey gooch I got another question, For some reason on DotHalo I keep getting a Error message saying there was an error while changing these values. any idea why this is? Can I use H2x to do all my modding?
hi, im running evox with flashFXP ftp program and ive got the ftp work fine and the xbox and my pc is happy with it. the problem ive got is i cant transfer files over about 50mb (prob). i can tranfer a 3mb mp3 over but an ep of the simpsons 175mb doesnt work. can anyone tell me y it isnt working???? i just keep on getting transfer failed. also and other question. ive just put a 300gb hard drive in my xbox and it says thats theres only like 131gb space on there. i know i need a tool or i have to do somthing. i just dont know wat. if anyone can help i would be very grateful.