my m3 simply wont play final fantasy crystal chronicles. The screen just goes white when i put it on. any help
Update you simply to 1.12. That worked for my husbands DS.
Square Enix's Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates, which shipped to North American retailers today for the Nintendo DS, includes a new copy protection scheme that attempts to discourage users from running an unauthorized copy of the game on certain DS flash cards. Users of popular flash cards such as the R4 and M3 Simply are greeted with a "Thank you for playing!!” screen after twenty minutes of playing. Then, as if it were a demo, the game automatically quits.
bigbadp- That is terribly interesting information. If you wouldn't mind, where do you see it? Be fun to see what the boys in R&D do with it....
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles gets new copy protection scheme According to reports, North American retailers today received shipments of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates that include a new copy protection scheme. Gamers who have been using the R4 and M3 flash cards have been cut off from playing after 20 minutes, with a screen popping up saying “Thank you for playing!!”
"According to reports" Hmmm. And no source for that either. Does anyone have any actual experience with this occurring so that we know it isn't just FUD? May have to play a friend's back up ROM just to find out.... EDIT: Aha! I see it in the other thread. Well, we'll have to see how long a 2107 patch takes.
I can confirm, after playing 20 or so min, and exiting through a door I got the thank you for playing message. I have a m3 simply with the very latest firmware.
I have a simply M3 with the exact same problem. I think I have the latest firmware but as I walk through a door it gives the "thanks for playing" message. Any updates on a patch yet?
Saw this on another forum: "The game randomly checks it's own CRC & size ... Only carts that do not require a game to be patch, or that do not patch the game themselves, will play this game correctly, right now....'clean' rom carts, such as Edge & AceKart & CycloDS play the game fine, as does the no$ emulator...R4s & M3 & such [DSTT] patch the game as they load it up." Apparently, the game checks it's own file size and if it sees something amiss, it shuts down. Some carts mess with the file size and thus it won't work. WORKING WITH: Acekard R.P.G. CycloDS Evolution DS-Xtreme (1.1.2 and 1.1.3) EDGE M3 Real Ninjapass X9 Supercard DS One (disable patching) NOT WORKING WITH ("Thank you for playing" screens): DSTT G6 Lite (Safe Mode) M3 Perfect MiniSD M3 Simply R4 Supercard SD HTH.
I had somewhat of the same problem and have found this: BUT apparently, its been hacked by someone as thats what I'm reading on the page. Its a patch and/or cheat exploit that will allow you to play the game without black screens on R4/M3 and will eradicate the so called "Moogles of Death" otherwise known as the infamous "Thank you for playing." message.
I am going to try the cheat.dat code later on today to see if that gets passed the "moogles of death" screen on my r4 and dstt
Thank you guys!! The linked ips patch fixed the MOD problem. Also there are AR codes listed but I preferred the patch.
Can someone post the info on how to make the patch work here, on a m3 simply. I can't figure out wtf is going on in that post because too many people are using too many different methods.
I patched the file, but curious, is the file I patched now a changed file? or did it back it up somewhere else?