Hi. As I am a newbee, I have a newbee question. Soofar I know taht I need a M3 and a memorycard fx. 2Gb. But where do I find the games to download Fx. Mario cars. and how much do they cost? Soo will It be cheaper for me in the long run to invest in M3 and memorycard, or what does the situation looks like?
Yes emule is also what I have come up with, I will look into the emule 1,2 though. However im sitting in a netcafe in The thailand on holliday, and I do not think I will be able to download anything. All Im interested in, right this moment, is an estimated price on the nds rom games. just to lay down a budget, as im traveling around and not the richest man aroung Can anybody tell me a little more conserning prices? 5torm.
the roms are free you just have to buy the hardware the cheapest hardware is a supercard SD Supercard SD is about 25 UKPounds 1 GB SD Card about 20 UKPounds and superpass 1 or 2 depending on what version of DS you have i recommend just getting superpass 2 its about 15 UKPounds
Really, sounds like a good enough deal for me. And thanks for the fast replies, im glad to see that you are not all in the gametrance. 5torm.