hello guys, just installed the latest version of ubuntu and everything seems to be running fine so far. the one I've noticed is the firefox seems to be running a lot slower compare to when I ran it on XP. I am not an advanced user but is there something I can do to the OS to increased my performance? or is it a common thing with this glitch.
Don't have the issue myself but you could try this http://techxplorer.com/2007/02/22/slow-browsing-using-firefox-on-ubuntu/
thanks for that link, tried it and it didn't quite solve the problem so now I'm back with a dual boot with xp until I figured out how to speed it up. big difference how fast firefox on xp! damn! I only wish...
The problem seems to be FF3 and ubuntu.. I gave up on 3 because it was slow so I just uninstalled it and use the 2.5 variant from debian "iceweasel" There are lots of other browsers.. I like kazehakase which is lean and fast.