okay here's what happened. i got illeagl disc problem with nero; fixed it by updating my sohw 1633S firmware to sohw 1653S. but now i have a new problem. b/c i crossed flashed my dvd drive, whenever i try burning data onto a blank DVD the front of my DVD drive has a red light. when burning, isn't the color suppose to be green? plus the red light isn't blinking its just a solid red light. so, the burning does complete but whenever i look at the DVD its all weird looking. you can see the burn marks and it seems that it skipped around. i put the dvd back in to see if it burned correctly and i find that it didn't. so i decided to flash my dvd drive back to sohw 1633S firmware. but when i downloaded the firmware it doesn't let me flash it back b/c it says that it doesn't detect a 1633s drive. so is there a way i can flash it back somehow? or am i stuck with a liteon 1633s with firmware 1653s?
I had the same problem as you with a firmware update for a lite on drive.I found this site to change back to my old firmware and it worked just fine.It also has some modified firmware for lite-on dives. http://digi.rpc1.org/167_169.php