I checked the forum but did not see anything specific on this but I would like to know if there is a firmware update for the Nec 3540a? Will this enable the Nec to be able to Book Type +R media? and where could I find such firmware? I would appreciate any help and this is the place I always turn. Thanks again. MovieDud
....plus if you're an NEC nut then you absolutely have to bookmark this link.... http://www.micheldeboer.nl/firmware
Thank you andmerr & creaky, I will look at those links and I will book mark the sites. Thank you so much. MovieDud
@andmerr and creaky, there is list of firmware updates at the site that creaky gave, or is it the one that you mentioned andmerr. Thanks MovieDud
the one that creaky linked to is JUST for all the various NEC drives...i have had that one bookmarked on my 2nd computer since i bought MY OWN nec 3520a~ the one andmerr linked to is for ALL the various makes and models of drives out there, that is the list i use for my OTHER dvd burners, it's VERY complete~ docTY~
been awhile andmerr buddy, but, yes you are RIGHT ON THE MONEY with that firmware link~ i WILL have to HUMBLY concur, YOU ARE GOOD~!! and boy are you humble as well~ that was a nice touch... peace be with you boys... docTY~
Quick question...I dl the fw update 1.03 and there is the 1F1 dl which is OEM Maddog. I have updated the firemware from 1.01-1.03 for the nec, yet I cannot book type using Nero or Decrypter or ImgBurn...I tried the IF1 but it requires something that reads Bin. I'm just lost and confused on what exactlty am I supposer to DL and use in order to Book Type my Nec 3540a. I would appreciate any help possible. Thanks MovieDud
I know what it is I just do not know how to use the file. I'm also trying to understand which Firmware update will make teh Nec to be able to book type +R media. Just learning and needing your help. Thanks MovieDud
some firmware flashers are executable in themselves but others need an executable flasher that use the .bin file as input (ie it's a binary file). i suspect you need one of the utilities in the utils links within this link - http://www.micheldeboer.nl/firmware - it may be binflash that you need. also at that link are booktype utils...
This is how I did it, using this guide: http://liggydee.cdfreaks.com/page/how2flash/binflashgui And by downloading the appropriate hack and then downloading the win32 gui here about half way down the page: http://binflash.cdfreaks.com/
@LOCOENG, friend, just a quick question...Which firware update should I choose? (the Nec has the latest 1.03) Is it the 1W7 RPC1 or the Maddog (Nec ID) 1F1...Just need to know. I have downloaded both from Liggy and Dee, I have so far ran the Nec Bin Gui and just need to know which modified update and does it need to be on the desk top and ready to be used prior to running Nec Bin Gui? Thank you, This is new to me and I just do not want to make a mistake! MovieDud