I have a HL-DT-ST DVD+R firmware virsion GWA4164B Burner. It will not use Fuji ( Ritek ) disk.I have never updated the firmware so I went to the firmware page and I cant find it. Does that mean it does not have a update? Thanks
It's been mentioned here many times : GWA drives are OEM LG drives. LG's policy with these drives appears to be that it makes the drive for whatever OEM company and then gets that company has to provide support for the drives itself. LG doesn't provide support the drive directly. As such, you will not be able to find firmware updates on LG's website for these drives. You need to go back to Dell for firmware updates and support, READ IT ALL HERE http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php?t=155355 AND HERE http://forums.us.dell.com/supportforums/board/message?board.id=dim_cdrom&message.id=109223