hi i am new to this. what is flashing and how do i purchase the firmware to flash my box. euro-vox max v.also where is the cheapest place to purchase another box. thanks robby
go to the link at the bottom of my post and go to the eurovox folder it should be there.and it's free you don't have to purchase firmware.make sure you get the eurovox black firmware not red or blue.
you need to get the firmware loader (dnumpman) connect the null modem cable to pc and euovox run dnupman then use dnupman to load firmware to box.
And hes back Ryan there is a new hardload firmware out today. As there has been problems with the latest edition of the max v firmware due to different chipsets.
Dont know wheter its on Eamos or not yet. I just know you do not require a loader for it and it is only for the Max V.