fixing power option

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by dcgirl, Feb 20, 2003.

  1. dcgirl

    dcgirl Guest

    well i have a compaq .. it has two power switch.. one hard one in the back and one soft one in the front. I don't know what the computer place did to my computer but everysince i brought it back.. my pc wont shup down by itself anymore. Instead i had to shut if off from the back. Does anyone know what i should do to fix this ? I heard that they mention i had to go into dos to delete some files.
  2. thargor

    thargor Member

    Oct 29, 2002
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    From your earlier reqs it appears that you are running Win98 or ME. I would suggest you go to Windows update and get your Op sys up to date, this should cure the problem. If not I may be able to get my sticky paws on the patch required, if no one else can help.

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