I'm looking at get the Supercard DSTwo flash card (near as I can tell it's one of the best) for my DSi XL and I've got a few questions. - I'm currently running version 1.4.1U but the sites only seem to mention 1.4.1 as compatible (Should I be concerned about the U being too high a version?) - If I use this card does it actually flash the DSi in anyway? I'm assuming the card needs to be in at all times, if removed it returns to being a normal DSi? - It claims it can emulate an original cartidge. Does that mean I can only load up a single file to the card and that would be the file in use? Or does it work by loading up its own custom app that would let me pick any file I wanted to run? - I'm thinking of buying through modchipcentral.com, anyone heard anything bad about them? Thanks in advance for anyone kind enough to answer these questions for me.
Hello , - Don't worry about the version , Supercard DSTwo works on any firmware. - Yep , it needs to stay in your dsi all the time . - You can put multiple files/rom in it (in the MicroSDHC card actually ). - Not sure about that , If you are located Northern America , try realhotstuff.com . Or else try Lightake.com which is a Hong Kong based online shop.
Thanks for the quick reply. Before I go ahead and buy this I've got just one more question (hopefully). Is there any advantage of the Acekard2i over the Supercard DSTwo? They both seem to be insert card, turn system on and then load nds files from your sd card. Compatibilty about the same on them? The only real difference I'm seeing is the DSTwo card has built in emulators.
Supercard's compatibility is better than Acekard 2i and it get Real Time save features which AK2i doesn't have .