is there a flsah for this drive TSST CORP. samsung TS-H552B i saw one somewhere that was beta or something..risky...i didnt want to blow up my
Try here: They've also got the beta,and some older fw as well.
thanks saugmon...i wonder which one i need?...there are so many... and will downloading these mess up my drive?
What is the current fw version on your drive? Are you having any issues?like burner not recognizing your blank media. If not having any issues, I'd leave it alone-why risk a good drive. Firmware updates can control what your drive will burn/how fast to burn it/improve the write strategy/and some special fw is out there to help booktype.
im not having any issues, i just wanted to stay current on everything...i better leave it alone...thanks for the info.
No problems,I'd leave it alone. Why fix it,if it isn't broke? Keep that link I posted earlier, bookmarked to your favorites. If you run into problems,then you may have to update it.