Flash Player Debug Console????

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by rSgDrF, May 27, 2004.

  1. rSgDrF

    rSgDrF Member

    Aug 22, 2003
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    I've been geeting this stupid message for weeks, no months I think. Almost every website I go to , that message appears. I think it's a problem with Java application and Javas are every where. Can somebody help me with this.
  2. Geert2

    Geert2 Guest

    I've also had this problem - almost exclusively on Yahoo and Espn.com. It says "sandbox violation" and lists some URLs. Please help! Thanks.
  3. fancyf31

    fancyf31 Guest

    Hi, im having the same problems with the sandbox, even explorer everytime i try to visit a site or url. Anyone help. If u know how i can stop this in my computer, please send me an e-mail at fancyf31@yahoo.com

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