FlashBack/Dream Effect transition question?

Discussion in 'Other video questions' started by Headborg, May 18, 2007.

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  1. Headborg

    Headborg Regular member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    I'm working on a Music Video and need a better dream/flashback effect...
    I googled the problem and only came up with the usual advice.

    ripple dissolve<-- too cliche
    hue/saturation<-- most of the video will be 'dream' sequence and because of the short nature of music(song) 5 minutes. I'd prefer not to "monkey" distort with 90% of video. Looking for more of a transition/effect like a white flash...anyone know a good way to achieve this??...currently I've just got a quick white frame which provides a quick break...but it doesn't look that great.
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