I recently flashed my drive, a NEC 1100A DVD+RW. Anyway, it was successful and DVD Decryptor now says it's a NEC DVD_RW ND-1300A. I did this because I wanted the booktyping option, and used Herrios firmware. But despite the fact that everything seems to have gone fine I still can't booktype. I can't even find the booktyping option in Nero (Choose Recorder/Options and then... nothing) and in DVD Decryptor the program just says "Unknown (failed!)". What am i doing wrong?
I use the Nero CD-DVD Speed utility to bitset my drive(s). It's found under the "Extra" tab. Download here: http://www.cdspeed2000.com/ Not all drives can be bitset. Are you SURE your model supports that function?
So you mean you booktype it after you've burned the disc? And yes, I'm pretty sure that it should work to booktype with my drive, after I've flashed it that is.
No. You set your drive to handle + format media BEFORE the burn. Once the disk is burned you can't change it. I use the CD-DVD Speed utility to bitset. Open this program. Click the Extra tab. Click Bitsetting. Follow the dialog/prompts.
Yeah, but how do I actually put_something_on the disc in CD-DVD Speed? I mean, I've succeeded to booktype an empty disc, but what good does it do when I can't find any way to put my material on it as well? Hmm, this program seems to deal exclusively with testing discs, not actually burning them. Or am I missing something?
CD-DVD Speed does NOT burn. Once you use it to bitset your burner, then you go about making/burning your + format disk with your usual software. During the burn process your drive then sets the booktype to dvd-rom. Only + format media can be set to dvd-rom. After you burn the disk, leave the completed disk in your drive. Open CD-DVD Speed again. Click on the Disc Info tab (lower in the screen). This will look at your finished disk and give you info about it. The first two items are: Disc Type and Book Type under Basic Information.