Can someone tell me what program would enable me to make lightning flashes on and off within a signature (for a forum). I have Paintshop pro 9 and Animation shop 3. Thanks much
today is play time,lighning is easy..and i am not using Photoshop! i am using a 20 dollar program called picture it 2000...that came out in 1999...........
more play time a wee storm over me in ireland.......... this is for rev009 I think hes getting flashed!!!!!
First I thank you for your response and The Gimp you say does it easy, I was thinking of more intense effects like the whole sig flashing then lightning, not to undermind your choice of program use. (no disrespect) Is it possible that The Gimp can be adjusted to do that ? I will look into it.For me Paintshop pro offers a lot. Im no master at it yet but I would like to become better at it. Ive seen some nice sig's and just wondered What programs did it. Im studying a tutorial now on the subject but for me its not so simple now. I will look into The Gump and Thanks much I also like ThecraigC signature. I did mine quick with Animation Shop 3. But it needs work.
Hittz26 ye are a wee bit over the 50kb limit as the rules states on 760115k your sig is 810115k Signatures These rules exist to make viewing the forum as pleasant as possible to all users. Even though you might think signatures with large pictures look cool, some might find them extremely annoying. 1. Text-only signatures should have at most 5 lines of text. 2. An image-only signature should be less than 50kb in size, and be at most 500 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall. 3. If you use an animated picture in the signature, it should not be too distractive. Eg. blinking images or images with quick movement are not allowed. 4. If you want to use both text and image in your signature the image should not be more than 500 pixels wide and 100 pixels tall, and you can use up to three lines of text. 5. All the abovementioned rules for forum posts apply also to the signatures. Violation of these rules does not lead to an immediate ban. However if requested user must edit his or her signature to fit these guidelines.